And then it was fall…

I cannot believe we’re rushing into October already. I apologize for being absent so much – it’s been a hectic summer for a variety of reasons and you know, I’m a publicist by day and so easily get caught up in promoting client books via BreakThrough Promotions with little time left to promote my own (I know, bad author!) I must learn to heed my own advice!

But thankfully, many of you have been buying my books, for which I’m incredibly grateful! For those of you who don’t know, I have three books out now – two new this year and one from long ago. I also have two books scheduled for release next year so I’d better have some “me” time over the winter! Here’s what’s out there:

AngelKillerfrontAngel Killer: A Shari Markham Mystery 

Private Spies: A Jesse Morgan Mystery Private Spies front

nunnpines4Shadow in the Pines

I’d love more reviews so if you’re interested in any of them, just ask!

I’ll try to be more informative in coming weeks and thank you all for stopping in! What have you been up to?